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Unconcerned with affairs beyond the trees, he rested amongst his brethren, keeping watch within the groves and arbours. For and almost endless age had he slumbered in passivity, that was, until the unlikely arrive of two small unfamiliar creatures...- Made from high quality polystone;- Approx. 8.4 inches tall;- Depicts Treebeardâ„¢ as seen in The Two Towers;- Made with reference to the original film designs.Product size: 11 x 20,9 x
Shading icy, hawk-sharp eyes, the captains of the Elves of Mirkwood wore silver-grey helms with sweeping, bladed crests and cheek guards intricately styled after the curling, barbed thorns, and vines of their forest home.Seeking to secure his claim to what lay within its halls, King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm marched his army of Elven warriors to the Lonely Mountain. Assembling before the gates of the underground kingdom of Erebor, Thranduil's force was a sight to steal the breaths of men, and more than enough, he deemed, to strike fear in the hearts of the Dwarves who dared withhold the King's jewels. Arrayed in perfect lines, the great host gleamed gold beneath a pale sun. Gloved hands gripped tall spears, shields were strapped to their arms, and curved blades hung hungry upon their belts.Product features:- 1:4 Scale;- Made from high-quality polyurethane- An exact replica of the prop used on-screen- Comes with a display stand- Limited Edition of 750Size: 4 x 15 x
Immortal beings many times the size of ordinary birds of prey, the Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains flew so high that the only the sharp eyes of Elves could discern them in the blue.Invisible and untouchable, their mastery of the sky was unrivalled till Saurons Ringwraiths took to the air upon the backs of fell winged beasts during the War of the Ring. Even the Dragons of old could not match their aerial prowess, and so keen was their sight that they marked even the stirring of a mouse upon the mountainside. Orcs tread openly on the slopes at their peril, and Wargs kept to the deep forests where trees shielded their passing.In the days of the Third Age the mightiest of the Eagles was Gwaihir the Windlord. Friend to Gandalf the Grey, he bore the Wizard upon his back and more than once flew to his aid when great need called.Size: 10,3 x 15 x 10,3 cm
Weta Workshop MINI EPICS: cool and quirky vinyl figures from the world of film, television, gaming, and beyond!Features: - Mini Epics: premium vinyl collectibles, stylized and designed by artists of film;- Sarah is presented in Mini Epic form, holding her Labyrinth playbook and her bear Lancelot, asdepicted in Labyrinth (1986)- Pair with Jareth The Goblin King & Ludo- Approximately 1:10 th scaleIt stands approx. 5,6 x 16,5 x tall and comes in a printed box.
Once the head of the Order of the Istari and a truly great and wise Wizard, Saruman the White fell into darkness and became an agent of evil during the War of the Ring. Too long he studied the ways of his enemy, believing that in better understanding Sauron's nature he might discern a means of victory. Using one of the lost Seeing Stones of Númenor, the Wizard sought to spy upon the Dark Lord, but was tricked into communing with him through the polished black orb. It was a contest of wills that Saruman lost.Lured by promises of power and dark thoughts of his own mastery, Saruman fell from his purpose and abandoned his allies. In his arrogance he believed himself capable of usurping Sauron's place. Even as he did his new master's bidding, the corrupted Wizard plotted a second betrayal. Yet in doing so he overreached, for pride and lust for power had blinded Saruman and the Eye of Sauron perceived his treachery through the lens of the palantir. The downfall of Saruman, once the leader of the White Council, was doomed to be written in blood.Expertly sculpted by Gary Hunt, a member of the original Lord of the Rings crew, Saruman the White will make an excellent addition to your Weta Workshop miniatures collection.Dimensions: 11 x 18,9 x
To those who might not peer so closely, Radagast the Brown is a gentle hermit, soft in character and mind.Often fumbling or fretful, with tattered robes and mismatched footwear, his raiment is home to a bewildering menagerie of miniature beasts and fungi. This façade is an illusion so complete that even the Wizard himself is sometimes fooled, but in truth great power resides within him, and he is ever watchful for the return of the enemy against whom he was sent from the West centuries ago.Each 1:4 scale Helm is made from polystone and comes in an edition of just 750.Accompanying your Limited Edition helm: an exclusive behind-the-scenes insert written by Weta Workshop senior concept designer and author, Daniel Falconer, detailing how the film version was brought to the big screen!Size: 9 x 15,5 x
A hefty document by any standards, these Conditions of Engagement govern a job that Thorin Oakenshield desperately needs done. An adventurous undertaking judging by the Contract, and adventure is something most hobbits resist.If Bilbo Baggins returns from this quest alive, he will not be the same hobbit who ran from his front door, having forgotten his pocket handkerchief.This is a mini version of our full-scale prop replica, made to the same quality with hand-stitching and wax seals. It comes packaged nicely folded up in a display boy fit for your shelf.
Introducing MINI EPICS by Weta Workshop: the endlessly collectible new line of stylised vinyl figures! Created by the same artists who work on their film projects.It stands approx. tall and comes in a printed box.
Weta Workshop MINI EPICS: cool and quirky vinyl figures from the world of film, television, gaming, and beyond!Features: - Mini Epics: premium vinyl collectibles, stylized and designed by artists of film;- Ludo is presented in all his Mini Epic glory, as depicted in Labyrinth (1986);- Larger than life Ludo is enormous in strength, size and heart;- Pair with Sarah Williams & Jareth The Goblin King- Approximately 1:10 th scaleIt stands approx. 14,4 x 15,6 x 9,5 cm tall and comes in a printed box.
Many miles beyond the safety of Lothlórien the light of Galadriel's gift would shine between the Hobbits and certain death as they brave the horrors of the Stairs of Cirith Ungol. Betrayed by the creature Gollum, Frodo and Sam face the insatiable appetite of Shelob, the great spider haunting the pass. Only the power of the star-glass can prevent all hope being swallowed in the grim darkness of her lair.Product features:- 1:1 scale prop replica;- Size: 65 x 54 x 95 mm- Phial crafted from glass;- Elven base made from high quality polystone;- Removable stopper allows the phial to be filled with any desired liquid;- Light up base that illuminates the phial, powered by a single CR2032 battery. (Battery not included)
Weta Workshop MINI EPICS: cool and quirky vinyl figures from the world of film, television, gaming, and beyond!By Gelfling hand or else by none.Features: - Mini Epics: premium vinyl collectibles, stylized and designed by artists of film- Kira the Gelfling Mini Epic, as depicted in The Dark Crystal (1982)- Includes Kira's Fizzgig companion- Pair Kira with Jen the Gelfling Mini Epic- Approximately 1:10 th scaleIt stands approx. 9,5 x 11 x 8,5 cm tall and comes in a printed box.
The endless walls of the Labyrinth continue on for what seem like an eternity. Though the infinite depths may seem quite lifeless at first glance, things are not always what they seem, for many a quaint and curious creature can be found within those stony walls.The mysterious denizens of Labyrinth come in all shapes and sizes, and each is just as likely to help as they are to hinder. As Sarah collapses from exhaustion whilst seeking an entrance to the maze, a small but cheery voice calls out to her, "Ello."A single worm, small enough to fit in the palm of one's hand, with three tufts of dark blue hair rests near a small hole in the Labyrinth's walls. After offering a moment of brief respite to our young heroine and a promise of hospitality that is rarely shared among strangers, this inconspicuous creature reveals one of the Labyrinth's many hidden secrets, opening Sarah's eyes to the first of many illusions to come.Product features:- 1:1 scale, open edition, mixed media statue;- Portrays the cute and curiously kind worm that aids Sarah early on in her quest;- Digitally sculpted by Weta Workshop sculptor Kim Beaton;- Incredible detail replicated in life-like 1:1 scale;- Labyrinthine base physically sculpted by Shaun Bolton;- Hair made from premium synthetic faux fur;- Wrapped up in his signature red scarf;- Made from high-quality polystone.Dimensions: 7,5 x 11 x 5 cm
As huge fans of Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal (1982), Weta Workshop is excited to dive into the world of Thra and create premium collectibles for the prequel series, streaming now on Netflix. The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance tells a new story, set many years before the events of the movie. The world of Thra is dying. The Crystal of Truth has been corrupted by the evil Skeksis and sickness spreads across the land. When three Gelfling uncover the horrific truth behind the power of the Skeksis, the fires of rebellion are kindled and an epic battle for survival begins.As the eldest daughter and heir of All-Maudra Mayrin, Queen of the seven Gelfling clans, Seladon had devoted herself to the duties of one bound to wear the crown. "Despite her diligence and self-sacrifice, the princess never felt appreciated by her mother, and begrudged what she perceived as an irresponsible indulgence of her youngest sister Brea's whimsical flights of fantasy. When turmoil and heresy engulf the Gelfling, Seladon seeks to preserve the order and stability of Skeksis rule that have kept her family in power. Betrayed when her mother sides with Brea, Seladon disavows bonds of family and love, branding Brea traitor and blaming her when the Skeksis murder the All-Maudra. Facing challenges from all sides, Seladon clads herself in an armoured dress and crown of her own creation, fashioned in the likeness of the draconic lords whom she is sure will support her claim to the title of All-Maudra.Dimensions: 13 x 25 x
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